Area: Approximately 160 acres
Location: Palm Springs, Riverside County, California
Date Acquired: 2007
Acquisition Type: CNLM holds a conservation easement to protect the imperiled species and their habitats on the preserve. The preserve is owned by Smoke Tree Ranch, Inc.
Key Habitats: Alkali Desert Scrub and Desert Wash
Species of Special Interest to CNLM: Casey’s June beetle (Dinacoma caseyi) and Peninsular bighorn sheep (Ovis canadensis nelsoni)
The Smoke Tree Preserve was set aside by Smoke Tree Ranch, Inc. to protect the Casey’s June beetle (Dinacoma caseyi) prior to its being listed as federally endangered in September of 2011. The Sierra Club was instrumental in the formation of this Preserve. The Center for Natural Lands Management (CNLM) monitors the Preserve for compliance with the terms of the conservation easement and works closely with Smoke Tree Ranch staff to ensure the protection of this valuable resource.
Conservation Significance
The Preserve conserves about 106 acres of habitat designated as critical to the preservation of Casey’s June beetle as well as other special status species. For example, it protects about 53 acres of mountain scrub that is habitat for the federally endangered Peninsular bighorn sheep (Ovis canadensis nelsoni).
Our Work
CNLM does not manage this Preserve. We conduct CE compliance site visits to ensure the Preserve is being managed appropriately and the conservation values are not compromised according to the terms of the Conservation Easement. The conservation objectives are primarily preservation of appropriate habitat for the Casey’s June beetle and the desert bighorn sheep as well as protecting desert wash and drainage.
Public Access
This preserve is open to residents and visitors to Smoke Tree Ranch Resort. For information and inquiries, please contact Preserve Manager, Christian Nordal. Email: cnordal@cnlm.org, or call Smoke Tree Ranch directly at (866) 413-1846.
For information about Smoke Tree Ranch or Center for Natural Lands Management, please contact Christian Nordal, Preserve Manager at cnordal@cnlm.org.