Area: 31 acres
Location: Granite Bay, Placer County, California
Date Acquired: 2001
Acquisition Type: CNLM holds a conservation easement as well as a long-term agreement to monitor and protect the imperiled species and their habitats on the preserve. The preserve is owned by third party.
Key Habitats: Blue Oak Foothill Pine, Valley Foothill Riparian, Freshwater Aquatic/Wetland and California Annual and Perennial Grassland
The Greyhawk Preserve was established and protected with a Conservation Easement in 2001 to mitigate for loss of wetland habitat. The Center for Natural Lands Management (CNLM) holds the Conservation Easement on this Preserve, protecting approximately 31 acres in 4 lots within the Gladstone Park subdivision in Granite Bay, Placer County. The Gladstone Park development is a 71-lot residential subdivision that covers approximately 76 acres and was designed to minimize the impact to riparian and seasonal wetlands. CNLM monitors for easement and management plan compliance.
Conservation Significance
The Preserve protects oak woodlands, annual grassland, approximately 11 acres of riparian woodland/wetlands, and one acre of seasonal wetlands. Blue oaks (Quercus douglasii), interior live oaks (Quercus wislizeni), and California foothill pine (Pinus sabiniana) are common in the oak woodlands, in the riparian woodlands.
Our Work
The Home Owners Association (HOA) manages the Preserve. CNLM works with the Home Owners Association to protect and promote the Preserve’s conservation values, including oak woodland and wetlands.
Public Access
Due to the vulnerability of the species and habitats that exist on this Preserve, it is not open to the public.
For information on the Greyhawk Preserve or Center for Natural Lands Management, please contact Eric Olson, Preserve Manager at eolson@cnlm.org or 760.731.7790 extension 206.